Got yarn?

Exciting things happening this month in tiny rambler land! I re-opened my online yarn shop and am so excited about it. I missed it so very much! I’m dyeing on a pre-order basis so it takes a little while for your yarn to get to you but I think it’s worth it. 🙂 If you know anyone who knits or crochets and is looking for yarn, send them my way! My shop will be full of different colors and bases every month!

sterling Retro Avocado olive oil

If you’re on ravelry, come and join the group! There’s also a facebook page where I put sneak peeks and ramble on about what’s happening in the dye pots.

Here’s what else is on my mind this weekend…

  • I want a new pair of boots but the weather hasn’t cooled off enough for me to justify buying them.
  • On that note, I’m so very thankful for September’s weather.
  • Eva wants to be a zombie bride for Halloween. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that.
  • I can’t stop eating greek yogurt with granola and a little drizzle of honey. It’s delicious.

Happy weekend to you!

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